

Learn the mathematical 和逻辑al concepts used in the structure of information and the creation of algorithms, which in turn, lead to the analysis and the design of 硬件和软件.



编程, Computer programs (software) are the instructions that give 电脑s their power. You will learn to program in several languages — Java, C, Python and Perl. 一个熟练的 programmer knows how to design, code and test large programs so they run efficiently 并且易于维护.

〇逻辑和数学 我们如何衡量和比较程序效率? 我们怎么知道程序会计算呢 正确的结果? 这些问题的答案需要数学的语言 和逻辑.

系统- - - - - - 计算机硬件在不断发展. 与此同时,对运营也提出了新的要求 系统、设备驱动程序和其他软件工件. 你将研究这些联系 计算机组织和操作系统这两门课程.

把它们放在一起 Software engineering and software design studio are capstone courses where 学生 work together to design, code, test and document a software project.



计算技术无处不在. 自从印刷机发明以来就没有了 has the 世界 seen such a revolution in the way information can be used and disseminated. 社会影响是惊人的. 作为负责任的专业人士,我们想要了解 the impact our work has had and will continue to have on culture, work and politics.

We have a great program, challenging curriculum, and excellent 学生, but what I’m most proud of are the inspiring faculty within our department and their dedication 帮助我们的学生取得成功.



  • 计算机程序员
  • 计算机软件工程师和软件开发人员
  • 计算机科学教育和研究
  • Web开发人员

An increased spectrum of jobs becomes available to 你 after earning a graduate degree; 我们的计算机科学专业为研究生学习提供了很好的准备. 我们最近的一些研究 graduates were accepted in graduate CS programs at the Oxford University (UK), Cornell 大学(美国)和其他著名大学.
