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  • 社区治安


  • 罪案受害者资源


  • 预防始于教育

    大学警察 offer a wide range of prevention programs 给校园社区.


The safety and well-being of 纽约州立大学普拉茨堡 students, faculty, staff and visitors 是大学警察局的首要任务吗.

使命、愿景 & Values

We create a safe environment for the campus community in which to live, work and learn through community policing initiatives, education and the judicious enforcement of 法律法规.

To make our community feel safe and provide a level of service that exceeds their expectations.

Professionalism —Through accountability and innovation, appearance and conduct, we are committed to consistently providing the highest level of progressive law enforcement services 给校园社区.

Service — All members of the 大学警察局 are committed to helping members of the campus community, solving problems, preventing crime, and promoting a sense 安全与保障.  

Understanding — Recognizing the various challenges of everyday life, 大学警察 will strive 以同理心和理解提供服务.

Integrity — All members of the 大学警察局 will conduct themselves with honesty 以及毫不妥协地坚持道德和伦理原则和价值观.

Justice — 大学警察 will enforce the laws of the State of New York and the regulations 以公平和公正的方式在纽约州立大学任教. 我们承诺 to ensuring that every citizen will be treated with equality, dignity, fairness, and respect.






What’s UP?

大学警察 officers promote safety and security on campus by being proactive: They patrol campus routinely, enforce the law, and offer educational programs on safety. The department is committed to both the philosophy and the practice of community policing. When investigating crimes, the 大学警察局 works closely with area 并与执法机构共享信息.

大学警察 has a close working relationship with the Plattsburgh Police Department, 克林顿县警长办公室和纽约州警察局. 这种关系 includes regular radio communications with those agencies and emergency services.

The 应急管理办公室(OEM) assists the campus in mitigating for, preparing for, responding to and recovering 免受所有危害(自然、技术和/或人为)的影响.

Safety & Prevention

纽约州立大学普拉茨堡 assists students and employees in creating an environment that supports intellectual, social, and personal growth, as well as promoting health and safety. The college offers many opportunities for campus-wide education at various times throughout the year.

Educational programs focus on primary prevention and awareness for all incoming students and new employees concerning rape, dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking.

These educational programs provide information on college policies and regulations, procedures and practices for when violence occurs, and how to prevent future violence and  include: a statement that these crimes are prohibited at the college; definitions of consent, domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking in the college’s jurisdiction; safe and positive bystander intervention when there’s a risk of one of those incidents; information on risk reduction to recognize warning signs of abusive behavior and avoiding potential attacks; and information about disciplinary procedures. 


Child & 青少年保护计划

Activities involving children and youth are an integral part of our role as a center 在北方国家学习. 纽约州立大学普拉茨堡分校致力于保护 safety and well-being of children and youth who participate in a college-related program 或活动(无论是在校内还是校外),并开发了一个 儿童和青少年保护计划 that establishes appropriate conduct for employees charged with the custody, control, 或者对儿童和青少年的监督.


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